PJSC "ZIO-Podolsk" (part of the machine building division of Rosatom – AO Atomenergomash) manufactured and shipped a set of basic equipment for Rooppur NPP. Two containers of reactor emergency core cooling system (ECCS) and two high-pressure heaters HPH-K-5 and HPH-K-6 have been shipped to the People’ Republic of Bangladesh. The equipment is intended to equip Unit 2.
The Emergency Core Cooling System hydro accumulators are designed for automatic supply of boric acid cooling solution to the reactor core in case of coolant leakage and is activated during emergency depressurization of the first circuit. The ECCS hydro accumulator is an element of the passive part of the reactor emergency core cooling system. The weight of each vessel is 78 tons.
High pressure heaters HPH-K-5, 6 are the elements of the machine hall of the nuclear power plant. HPH are the large-size products with length from 9.5 to 12.5 meters and weight from 110 to 130 tons. They perform the function of heating feed water supplied to the steam generator by cooling and condensation of steam taken from the intermediate stages of the turbine.
The total weight of products shipped for Unit 2 of Rooppur NPP is about 400 tons. The equipment manufactured at PJSC “ZiO-Podolsk” has a 50-years operating life.
Specialists of the Nuclear Engineering Equipment Department of PJSC “ZiO-Podolsk” developed the design documentation, they also provide author's support for the production.
AO Atomenergomash is a complete supplier of all reactor room equipment and a significant part of the equipment in the turbine hall of Rooppur NPP with VVER-1200 type reactor unit. The enterprises of the division produce reactors, steam generators, pumping and heat exchange equipment.
Rooppur NPP is developed and constructed according to the Russian design. The plant will consist of two power units of 1200 MW each with VVER generation 3+ type reactors.