At the Volgodonsk branch of JSC “AEM-technology” “Atommash” (part of the Rosatom machine-building division - Atomenergomash), specialists have started the final stage of manufacturing of the reactor for Akkuyu NPP under construction in Turkey - check assembly of the reactor vessel with internals and cover.
Check assembly is a key operation during which assemblability of all manufactured internals and the reactor cover with the reactor vessel is checked. This operation is carried out in a special underground bench-caisson.
Core barrel weighing 73 tons is placed inside the reactor vessel. Installation of the core baffle (38 tons), protective tube unit (68 tons) and reactor cover (90 tons) is carried out in turn. During assembly, the appropriate fastening keys will be installed to secure the device for centering of the reactor cover. The alignment of the holes in the nozzles of the protection control system of cover with the support elements of the core barrel and the flanges of the protective tube unit will be checked. In the future, the check assembly will significantly reduce the time required for the installation of the reactor with internals at the site of the NPP under construction.
The reactor is a vertical cylindrical vessel with an elliptical bottom, inside of which the active zone and internals are located. The top of the reactor is hermetically sealed by the cover with mechanism drives and controls and protection of reactors installed on it, as well as nozzles for outlet of sensor cables for in-core monitoring.