Thermal power

thermal Competence of enterprises of JSC Atomenergomash allow participating in the projects of construction of thermal power plants at all the stages of the value chain. The main products of Atomenergomash for thermal power plants are generating boilers (natural circulation boilers, drum boilers and concurrent boilers with supercritical parameters) for power units with a capacity of 50 to 800 MW. The boilers are designed in accordance with the best technical solutions for a variety of fuels: boiler oil, gas, solid fuels (coal and brown coal, lignites). The boilers are supplied in modular construction, which speeds up and simplifies the installation process.

A key asset in terms of production of equipment in this business area is ZiO-Podolsk.

Our companies have produced about 700 boilers of different capacities and options for 152 domestic and foreign power plants with a total capacity of more than 66 million kW, of which 16 million kWh were exported. The boilers are installed on power plants in 20 countries of the world.

AEM’s strategy in the thermal power business aims to enhance its competence in the current markets and to gain a foothold in new markets by providing a comprehensive offer for the supply of boiler equipment, establishing technology partnerships with global industry leaders as well as through active participation in projects for the reconstruction and modernization
of power facilities both in Russia and abroad.


AEM provides design and delivery of:

  • power boilers to units with capacity from 50 to 800 MW

  • heat recovery steam generators to units with capacity from 25 to 420 MW

  • boiler and auxiliary equipment, including LDPE and HGPE

  • steam and water heaters from the spiral - finned tubes

  • uniform sections of tubular air heaters

  • air heaters

  • tank and vessels operating under pressure

  • large welded structures

  • pump equipment

  • boiling water heaters

  • steam  water heaters

  • radial and axial fans

  • filters

  • power engineering fittings;

  • parts and assembly units of pipelines;

  • steelworks;

  • equipment for cleaning heating surfaces;

  • control systems for thermal power 

  • low-voltage complete devices up to 1000 V

  • switchgear (-6, 10 kV)