
Atomenergomash is one of the largest employers in the regions where it operates. The company's enterprises in Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and the Czech Republic employ about 19 thousand people. We value each employee and provide them with safe working conditions, a set of social benefits, and a transparent system of motivation and career development.
The holding seeks to involve talented professionals who are able to maintain and increase the company's competitiveness in the global market. Particular attention is paid to employment of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.
The enterprises of Atomenergomash regularly organize various events for students and graduates, such as “Career Days”, the young professionals’ tournament “TEMP” and others. They are held in specialized educational organizations within the Russian Nuclear Innovation Consortium. After joining the team, young professionals associate into various programs aimed at prompt adaptation and improvement of professional skills. In particular, recent graduates participate in regular divisional meetings of young professionals, where they exchange their experience and knowledge.
The company has created an effective system of personnel training and development. The internal training centers operate in the key enterprises of the Division. More than 150 training, retraining and advanced training programs have been developed and implemented. The main suppliers of consulting services and training programs are Rosatom Corporate Academy (Moscow), Central Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS, Obninsk, Kaluga region) and Russia's leading technical universities. The company has implemented a number of developing divisional projects such as “School of Production Mastery”, “Engineering and scientific talent pool for the machine building division”, “Project for the preservation and transmission of crucial knowledge “Generation Bridge”.
The important trend of personnel policy of the Division is to maximize the use of the internal potential of the industry, creation of a transparent environment for career development and promotion of employees. Being the Division of the Rosatom State Corporation, the Company actively participates in the formation of an industry talent pool, which consists of a three-tier selection and training system: “Rosatom Fortune”, “Rosatom Capital” and “Rosatom Talents”.

  • “Rosatom Fortune” is a modular development program for senior management of the industry
  • “Rosatom Capital” is a modular development program for middle management of the industry
  • “Rosatom Talents” is a modular development program for promising professionals and junior managers with high potential

Enrollment in the talent pool is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness and the management capacity of candidates interested in professional development.
Corporate policy on remuneration is based on the need to provide employees with a decent living standard based on average wages in the machine building industry and regions of operation. The Company fully complies with all requirements for additional benefits and allowances provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, industry agreements, and local regulations.

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